With President Gary Page out of town, the meeting was led by Vice-President Chip Van Alstyne. Chip introduced Compatriot Robert Sapp for his talk on “Amazons of the Revolution”.
This special theme of our female heroes was requested in honor of Mother’s Day this weekend. Compatriot Sapp told of the origins of Molly Pitcher and the exciting tales of American Patriots including the first female veteran to receive a pension for her service fighting for our freedoms. Compatriot Sapp was presented with a speaking certificate by Vice-President Van Alstyne
Compatriot George Thurmond also received a Speakers Certificate in delayed appreciation for his speech on Grave Marking at the April meeting.
Compatriot Decker’s hand engraved cutting board was raffled off and won by Compatriot Bryant. A total of $52 was raised for the Robert Forsyth Marshal Fund. In addition, donations of socks, books and magazines were made for the comfort of our veterans. All are welcome to donate these and other “comfort” items at our meetings for distribution to our modern-day heroes in need.
Please join us June 13th for our June meeting. Compatriot Van Alstyne will speak on “Dutch in the Revolution”.