On Thursday, Februray 20th, the Robert Forsyth Chapter presented the Law Enforcement Medal to Deputy Jeff Folk of the Forsyth County Sherrif’s Office at the monthly county Commission meeting. Deputy Folk is an officer at the Forsyth County Detention Center who joined in January 2018. In addition to his regular duties, he has been tasked as a Training officer and is a member of the presitgious Sherrif’s Department Honor Guard. Deputy Folk is a also a member of the Strategic Response Unit which handles high-pressure situations in the Detention Center. Deputy Folk’s work ethic and team spirit since joined the Forsyth County Sherrifs Office have been exemplary and earned him this award. Congratulations to Deputy Folk and thanks to Sherrif Freeman and the rest of the Forsyth County Sherrif’s Office. Thanks to President Van Alstyne, Compatriot Page and Compatrot Rigel for attending the ceremony and presenting the award as well as the County Commissioners for allowing us time to honor Deputy folk.