The Robert Forsyth Chapter Annual Banquet was held January 4th at Tam’s Backstage. The meeting was well attended by Compatriots and their guests and Georgia State Society President, Scott Collins was the guest of honor. After a happy hour and the usual delicious Tam’s meal, President Collins presented a speech on the history of Midway. President Collins displayed a depth of knowledge on the history of this pivotal Revolutionary War town and provided drawing and photographs of the surrounding area. He was presented with a Speakers Certificate by President Gary Page.

Next up on the agenda, President Gary Page performed the first Robert Forsyth Chapter, “Skype” induction ceremony. Compatriot Donald Thompson and his son, James Evan have temporarily moved to the Washington DC area where for work. Due to their absence, it was decided to induct them remotely. Both Compatriots were sworn in by President Page and reminded of their obligations to the society.

After the induction President Page presented longevity medals to those compatriots meeting tenure requirements. These included a 15-year award awarded to Compatriot Davis. President Page then presented other medals to deserving compatriots. For a full list of all awards from the banquet, be sure to check out the next issue of our award-winning chapter newsletter, The Marshal, edited by Compatriot Decker.

After the medals were presented, State President Collins inducted the 2020 BOM for the Robert Forsyth chapter (see our December Meeting post for the roster). Then Compatriot Greenly introduced a new tradition to the Robert Forsyth chapter. He brought the President-elect to the center of the room and invited all prior Robert Forsyth Chapter Presidents to come forward and pledge their support and provide their benediction in support of the newly appointed President.

After this ceremony, Compatriot Van Alstyne was sworn in as the 2020 President of the Robert Forsyth chapter by President Collins.

President Van Alstyne’s speech referenced his father’s service to our country and our need to support our veterans of today as we honor our veterans of yesterday. He also referred to his Irish immigrant mother and the importance of greeting those who are new citizens to our great nation and ensuring that they and our children are educated on the history and beliefs of this, our common land.

The meeting was adjourned about 8:30pm.